Health care

The sea area of Ailian Bay in Chengshan is rich in kelp, scallop, oyster, sea cucumber, abalone, sea urchin and other seafood, which is rich in nutrition and of great medical and nourishing value.

Kelp is low calorie food material, contain a small amount of fat, but contain rich protein, dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins, these nutrients can supplement beneficial elements for the human body, regulate three high symptoms, add dietary fiber.

Scallops are rich in protein, carbohydrate, fat, cholesterol, vitamin E, Vitamin B group and trace elements such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and selenium, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, reduce height and enhance immunity.

Oyster meat is rich in protein and fat, and contains a variety of vitamins, taurine, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients. Oyster-meat has the effect of "nourishing blood, enriching blood, nourishing Yin", "Compendium of Materia Medica" recorded oyster to cure weakness, antidote erysipelas, thirst quenching and other medicinal value. According to literature reports, oyster has the functions of acid production, blood pressure reduction, anti-cancer and anti-aging. Therefore, oysters have been approved by the Ministry of Health in China as one of the first health products that can be used both as medicine and as food.

Sea cucumber contains more than 50 kinds of nutrients beneficial to human physiological activities, including 18 kinds of amino acids, taurine and mucoglycan. It can strengthen the body and nourish Yin and complexion. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that sea cucumber has anti-tumor, immunity regulation, anti-oxidation and other pharmacological effects.

Abalone is rich in protein, calcium, iron, iodine, vitamin A and other nutrients. Abalone can nourish Yin, calm liver and strengthen kidney, regulate adrenal secretion, and regulate blood pressure in two ways.

The sea urchin yellow of purple sea urchin contains a large number of structural proteins unique to animal gonad, lecithin and other biological active substances, Chinese medicine believes that sea urchin yellow has the effect of strengthening essence, enhancing Yang, benefiting heart, strengthening bone and enriching blood.